Mens Invitation Day Saturday 14 August 2021
Nearest the Pin on 4th winning 2 bottles of wine – new member Phil Bowler
Nearest the pin on 12th also winning 2 bottles of wine – Graham Sands
3 x 2’s splitting the pot of £50 were members Ray Woolley & Jonathan Naseby along with guest Brian Bedford
1st place winning £100 each with 42 points Gary Haslam & guest Ian Tilke
2nd place winning £75 each with 40 points on a BB9, Club Captain Dave Clark and guest Mark Storey
3rd place winning £50 each also with 40 points, David Evans and guest Dan Gell
Seniors News
On Friday, 4th June, UGC Senior Men’s Section organised their Annual Seniors’ Memorial Trophy in a Texas Scramble format. This was in memory of former players who are no longer with us.
The Competition was an “All Day” event, open to Men, Ladies, Seniors & Juniors. 15 Teams (60 Players) entered.
The sun shone and the Course was in excellent condition. Many thanks for the work done by the greenstaff and volunteers.
Also many thanks to Dawn, Amber & Carl. Finally to Adam for helping to arrange the event (including explaining the new WHS handicapping process) and processing the Scorecards.
There were Prizes for 1st (inc Trophy) & 2nd and the first three places were:
1st Trevor Heath, Peter Kennard, Clive
Barningham & Jim Preston 51.2 (£24.12
2nd Ian Ainsworth, Roger Lugg, Alan Taylor &
Brian Whittle 52.2 (£16.08 each).
3rd Alan Kyte, Linda Rowley, Andrew Mitchell &
Lindsay Walker 52.4
The money for 1st & 2nd places will be added to their golf pro-shop account and the Trophy will presented after one of the Seniors’ Harold Wheatcroft Trophy days.
Robert Rock Junior Tour – 5th July 2020
Robert Rock European Tour Professional and Adam McCandless UGC Professional